Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Outline for Literature Review

web site evaluation form

Web Site Evaluation Form for use in Adult Education
Web site address URL____________________________
Is the background of the author included on the website? Yes/No
Is there a list of credentials of the author? Yes/No
Does it appear that the author is qualified to justify the contents of the site? Yes/No
List credentials below

Are there additional links available about the author?
When was the web site created________, and when was it last updated________
Is the web site easy to navigate? Yes/No
What would you use the web site for and is the information relevant to what you are teaching?
Additional comments

Thursday, April 29, 2010


What is Podcasting?
Podcasting is a web feed of audio files, or video files referred to as a vodcast that are posted to the Internet available for anyone to download.

The difference between podcasting and vodcasting depends on who you ask. Some people will say that podcasting is just audio files and vodcasting includes video. An emerging opinion is that podcasting encompasses all forms video and all other media.

Podcasting can be beneficial to students in many ways. First of all students can easily access information that they miss in class if lectures are posted as podcasts on the Internet. They are free and available at any time. Students use their Ipods or MP3 players all the time and by using podcasts you are reaching students at level they are comfortable with, and possibly will motivate them more.

I could use podcasting in my Employability Class. I could upload a podcast on interviewing skills and interview questions with answers. Students could upload this information prior to going on a job interview. This could help in preparing for the interview and also help in calming their nerves about the interview.

Internet Lesson Plan

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Technology use by students and policy guides for students

What technology skills should be acquired by students at the grade level that you teach?
What are the essential elements that should be addressed by an effective classroom technology policy guide for the grade level that you teach?
What Internet safety issues should students and parents, at your grade level, be informed of?
Review and respond to the blogs of at least two other people in our class.

I teach adult education and mainly courses that involve students being able to use the computer proficiently. Students who sign up for my courses need to have experience using computers and have to understand how to manage their work on the computer.
The main elements that need to be addressed in a classroom policy guide with my students have to do with expectations when students are using the computers. Since our students are older and some are more experienced we have to make policy in regards to changing settings on the computers they use. We have many classes that use the computer and if students are changing the settings then when the next students come into use the computers they are not working the same as other computers. We have addressed this issue with students but we need to be make sure that they understand the need for the computers to all stay on the same settings. No matter what we do to try and prevent students from changing settings they somehow find a way to do it.
I think that the Internet safety issues that my students need to be aware of is that information that you have on the Internet is viewable to everyone and you need to be mindful of that when you use the Internet. Since my students are adults and many are using the Internet for job searching I warn them to be aware of scams. If anyone asks them to send money in order to secure a job I tell them that this most likely is fraud.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Book Review

21st Century Skills Learning for Life in Our Times
Authors Bernie Trilling & Charles Fadel,

The book I chose to do my book review on is a nonfiction book written about the need for incorporating 21st century learning skills into our education system. The authors of this book Bernie Trilling & Charles Fidel have been long time advocates of getting the necessary 21st century learning skills into the classrooms.

Bernie Trilling is a global director for Oracle Education Foundation, directing the development of education strategies, partnerships and services for the Foundation’s Thinkquest program.
Charles Fidel is a Global Lead for Cisco Systems, and the Cisco board member on the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, for which Cisco systems was a founding member.

“We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist….using technologies that haven’t yet been invented…in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet."
-Richard Riley, Secretary of Education under Clinton

This book focuses on what it is students need to learn in order to prepare for careers today. Students graduating today from secondary school, technical colleges, and universities are sorely lacking in some basic skills and a large number of applied skills:

· Oral and written communication skills
· Critical thinking and problem solving
· Professionalism and work ethic
· Teamwork and collaboration
· Working in diverse teams
· Applying technology
· Leadership and project management (Trilling & Fadel, 2009)

The authors of this book bring out the point that in order to compete in today’s world referred to as the Knowledge Age students need to learn these aforementioned skills.
“The rising demand for a highly skilled workforce also means that there will be a growing income gap between less educated, relatively unskilled workers and high educated, highly skilled workers. Routine tasks are increasingly being automated, and the routine jobs sill done by people barely paid a living wage. Routine work is moving to countries where the cost of labor is very low.” (Trilling & Fadel, 2009).
The book emphasizes the need to educate students today to be prepared for the high paying jobs that require complex skills and these jobs may not even exist today.

I found this book extremely memorable and interesting and I would encourage every teacher to read this book. It talked about education on a worldwide level and the importance that the entire world needs to be educated. The book made me think about what my own children are getting out of their public school education and sadly, it is not what it should be. As educators, we need to look at the 21st century skills and really, start emphasizes them in our own teaching. The examples in the book show how some schools are succeeding in implementing these 21st century skills and how other schools can follow in their lead.

“Research has shown that student learning gains are greatest when technology is seamlessly integrated with rich learning content, sound principle’s of learning, high quality teaching, and a aligned system of assessments, standards and quality learning experiences geared to the need of each child” (Group, 2006).
I strongly agree with this book as it emphasizes the importance of incorporating technology more into the classroom. School age children today were born into the technology age and most have been using different forms of technology since they were toddlers. Learning using technology alone will not benefit the student unless it is combined with the appropriate content. We can use technology as a tool but it is still about teaching our students the 21st century skills of inquiry, design, and collaborative learning projects that will prepare them for the real world.

The book raises some good points about expanding the learning environment beyond the walls of the classroom. The book emphasizes the need for whole learning environments that include the parents, teachers, peers, and experts to all be involved in a student’s education. Many countries have realized that in order to have a brighter economic future business communities and government officials have to work together to bring about changes in education.

The issue that I feel is most prominent in the book is that we are not educating our students enough in the areas that will be the most important when they are ready to start their careers. Our nation needs to be concerned that if we do not educate our students with these skills they will be at a disadvantage, and will lose jobs to others that have the skills. The book gives some examples of schools that are succeeding in teaching these skills, however I think the issue is much more pressing than the books brings up. As a nation, we are stuck in teaching only to pass standardized tests that do not address the skills that students are going need to compete in a global economy. In conclusion, we need to assess students but the assessments need to address the 21st century learning skills. It is important that everyone from business owners, government officials, administrators, parents, and teachers all collaborate and make sure that our graduating students will have the skills to help them be successful in this global economy.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What products can inspire creativity and innovation?

  • Use of Smart boards in the classroom
  • Using software that enables students to experiment with graphics like Photoshop
  • Using online content to expand the wall of the classroom

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How can technology support student understanding and building of knowledge?

Technology can help support understanding and knowledge in many ways. Using short video's found on U tube can help reinforce a topic that is discussed in class. Having a student create and present a power point on a particular subject. Students have the ability to research additional information quickly by searching a topic on the Internet. Students who are shy can communicate through social networking sites and create their own web sites or blogs.

What do students need to know before engaging in Internet searches and online social networking sites?

Before students can use the Internet to search for information they need to learn some basics. There are many different sites that can be used, some are better than others for different types of research. Many search sites work in a similar manner but some will have more recent and relevant information. One site I have found to work well is Students need to know how to narrow down a topic that they are researching so that they do not have to look at to much irrelevant information.

Social networking is something that I believe has its place, and can be a useful tool for students. However, it also has many inherent problems for students and can be very harmful.

My own experience with social networking is what I have discovered with my teenage daughters. I have always allowed my teenage daughters to us social networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook. My children have used these sites for communicating with their friends and for the most part have been responsible using these sites. They keep their profiles on private and are very careful who they let communicate with them. We have had problems with others being able to post comments on their sites and sometimes make threats. I once printed out these threats and gave them to the parent of the child who sent them. She commented that she did not even know how to use a computer and did not know how to monitor her child when she was online.

We would not let our children take the car without setting up some rules and limits. When they use the car we need to know where they are going, with whom, and when they will be home. We should set the same limits on social networking what site are they using, who are they communicating with, and how long they can spend doing this each day.

Friday, February 26, 2010

You Tube and Increased Knowledge

The video I have chosen to use in my blog addresses the importance of verbal and non verbal communication during a job interview.

I would use this video in my Employability Skills class when we discuss the topic on interviewing skills. I currently discuss the areas that are brought up in the video, but I think that by watching this video it will help reinforce what we discuss. The clip was from a channel 5 news with an anchor discussing the topic with a comminications expert.

According to (Cruse) in her article Using Educational Video in the Classroom: Theory, Research and Practice , research show that by using video in the classroom it helps to reinforce lecture material, and enhances students comprehension and discussions.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I do not know that I have a theory of learning or more of an observation. I believe for learning to occur there has to be some motivation. It can be a simple interest in something, some importance or relevance to an individual, or simply because it is required. Learning occurs on all different levels, and I am a firm believer that in order to really understand something there has to be some reinforcement and a connection to something relevant.

I teach mainly to adults who need to learn skills that will help them get a better job or are in the process of changing careers. My students need to acquire knowledge quickly and become proficient in a skill in a short amount of time. I need to use different techniques to help my students not only acquire the skill but understand the importance of it and how to apply their knowledge.

I believe students learn better when they are given real world situations they can relate too. My classes are mainly technology based so the students need as much time as possible to practice the skills. Researching using technology is very important to link the skill they have learned to something practical, which in my students case is a job. Discussions of real situations and coming up with solutions to problems that occur enhances the learning process as well.